Recap from my last blog post: In Nudge, Richard J. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein essentially posit that there is no such thing as a neutral design, that “everything matters” and that we cannot avoid influencing others decisions. Due to this reality, they propose nudging. What’s a nudge? A way to affect people’s choices toward better outcomes without removing any …
Show Your Work: Connect with Others Through Your Work
In his book “Show Your Work”, Austin Kleon debunks a popular myth that most people hold (myself included): that geniuses are the ultimate winners. If you think about knowledge work, we tend to believe that the more knowledge and skills you acquire, the more valuable you can become. And thus, in a perfect meritocracy – the smartest and most creative-ist …
Steal Like an Artist: Nothing is Original, So Copy Your Heroes
Think of what you want about Steve Jobs, at the end of the day people respect him for what he’s made. His impact is definitely noticed beyond his death (especially every single time you look at your iphone). You look into his past and you realize a lot of his success stems from one key moment – him going to …
Nudge: Be a Choice Architect
Most people know this, but the major grocery stores you go to are all designed intentionally to get you to stay longer and buy more. From the most common items being put in the back (they love putting milk in the back) to the irresistible junk food at checkout (grab a salacious tabloid while you’re there). Foods put at eye …